* Required

Soccer Youth Camp Registration

$290 for two sessions, $415 for three sessions, $540 for four sessions​
$165 per session​​
By checking the box below, I certify that I am the legal guardian of the registered camper, and agree to have my camper filmed and photographed for promotional materials. ​​​​ Transportation to and from Servite will be the responsibility of the participants. There will be a short snack period during which time students can either purchase snacks or eat items brought from home. I hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless all Servite Youth Camps and Servite High School, including its trustees, employees, volunteer workers, students, agents and assigns from any and all liability, damage, claim of any nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to my child’s participation in this youth camp. Participating in any activity is an acceptance of some risk of injury. Despite precautions, accidents & injuries may occur and injury and/or loss or damage to personal property may occur as a result of participation in this youth camp. Therefore, I assume all risks related to the activities. In case of an emergency and if I cannot be reached, I do herby authorize a representative of the Youth Camp or Servite High School to consent to any medical treatment or care deemed advisable. I have read and agree to comply with the above statement. My signature below indicates that I have read, understood and freely signed with agreement, which shall take affect as a sealed instrument. I expressly agree that this agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with California laws, and I consent to the jurisdiction of said state. I agree that this waiver and release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted under California laws so that if any portion hereof is held invalid the balance shall continue in full legal force and effect.​​​​​​
ie. Summer Camp photos or videos ​​

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations submitted more than 1 week (7 days) prior to the camp start date will receive a refund minus applicable fees. Any cancellation request within 1 week, or after the start of camp will be handled on a case by case basis at the discretion of that camp's coach.